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Weekly Menu for the Week of July 1

Hey, friends, how was your week? Did you get a chance to check out our post on our trip to London yet? We hope you find it informative if you're thinking about taking a trip abroad with your family, especially with young ones. We'll be writing up and sharing out Paris post pretty soon, too!

This past weekend, the girls and I snuck away to the beach for a few days. The weather didn't start out promising, but by Sunday afternoon, it cleared off and got really warm, which is amazing for the Oregon Coast - our beach weather attire is typically warm jackets, hoodies, and hats. But on Sunday, it was muggy and warm, which was wonderful!

It's a big week in the Catz household this weekend. Not only is it 4th of July, but Cub turns two years old! Can you believe it? Oh my goodness, that little baby has left babyhood behind him and he has fully embraced little boy toddlerdom, which is incredibly entertaining to watch. Every day he learns something new, and it always amazes me how quickly they can grow up when they reach this age.

Instead of sharing a weekly menu this week, I'm going to share 4th of July inspired recipes to help your backyard cookout be a tasty success.

Here's what could be on your menu this week:

In case you need some more ideas, I've got my Backyard BBQ board all ready for you!

I hope you all have a great week and have a wonderful Independence Day!


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