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Weekly Menu for the Week of Nov 14

Weekly Menu for the Week of Nov 14

Next week is Thanksgiving! 🤯

I cannot even fathom that idea. Obviously, I don't have new Thanksgiving content for you. But I do have a ton of older recipes that are fool-proof and so good for the holiday. I'll talk to my editor about getting up a Thanksgiving round up for the end of the week...

I did however, get desserts made this past weekend, and recipe-tested a truly comforting winter dish. The desserts will be up shortly (hopefully!) and the winter dish will be for winter...2024. I want to fine tune a few things first before I share it. Josh felt it was perfect as is...but like I said, I want to try it a few more times.

Here's what's on the menu for this week:

If you're already on the hunt for some Thanksgiving recipes - have no fear! I've got a delightful Pinterest board for you and it includes leftover ideas, too! I don't know about you, but Thanksgiving leftovers are my favorite part of Thanksgiving.


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