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Weekly Menu for the Week of Mar 27

Happy spring break for many of you...and last week of March! It feels like this year is zooming by. Wasn't it just January? I mean, I felt like February was long, I guess, but January and March just zipped by. It's probably because we had Grace home from college for some of that time. This mama's heart sure loves it when she comes home for a visit. She'll be back for Easter, though, so, yay!

I like to be transparent with all of you because I don't ever want you guys to think that making our menu (the one my family eats throughout the week) is always easy. It's not. Some weeks I have tons of ideas and other weeks my brain is just tired and can't think of what sounds good or what I feel like cooking. This was definitely one of those challenging weeks for me. I struggled so much!

I feel as if I'm on the upswing this week - I've got some meals planned out for the following weekend I'm very excited about. I share this so you may also be encouraged - if you also have a couple of weeks where it is rough...there is menu #inspo on the other side. Which is why I continue to create these menus each week for you! Hopefully you can pull one or two of these recipes aside and use them in your own cooking.

Without further ado, here's what's on the menu this week...

And if you need more dinner inspiration, may I suggest this Pinterest board as an option: Meatballs! I happen to love meatballs and I don't make them nearly enough - I think they're so fun! So here are a ton of different meatball recipes for you to look over. And if that doesn't work for you, breakfast for dinner is always a great option!


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