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Weekly Menu for the Week of Jan 15

Hi friends! Are you guys experiencing an icy/snowy blast as well? We were promised something like six inches of snow, at least…but what we got was a dusting of snow and freezing rain + sleet and now our whole area is essentially an ice cube. So we’ve stayed in all weekend, eating good foods (meatball subs, biscuits and gravy, and charcuterie boards), playing games, reading, watching movies, drinking coffee, and lounging. It’s been so good for us! I’m hoping that you haven’t lost power and that it has also been a relaxing time for you as well.

I was blessed by some of our neighbors’ hospitality this weekend, and I just wanted to share in hopes that it might inspire you to do something nice for one of your neighbors! One of our neighbors had a bunch of the neighborhood boys over to their house to have a break from the icy weather and made them all pizza. I was so grateful for that because not only was it such a sweet thing to do, but it was just so generous. And today, I asked one of my neighbors if I could borrow three eggs for the biscuits we were making for breakfast, and she not only gave us three eggs but a whole dozen of farm fresh eggs…which was like handing me a platter of gold! Fresh farm eggs are everything. I will literally pay all the money for good quality eggs. Makes me think that we should all look for ways to bless our neighbors. Cookies? Homemade granola? Fresh flowers?

Here’s what’s on the menu for this week!

I’m going to share my cookies Pinterest board with you all. There is something about making cookies during a winter storm that is just lovely. Stay warm everyone!