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Weekly Menu for the Week of Sep 30

On Tuesday, we welcome in October…! Can you believe it? This week I’ll be officially decorating for fall and starting our school year with the kids. We’re still sporting pretty good weather here, although it does feel cooler on some days and it is getting dark earlier, so I know that fall is here, even if I’m not completely ready for it.

You may have noticed that the weekly menu was absent last week. We went on a family vacation and it was so wonderful, but we were traveling home on Monday and it proved to be just a bit too much to get out a menu to share with you all. Plus, when I take vacation, I think it is fair that the blog takes one, too. I did, however, post a new recipe at the end of the week for Greek Chicken with Rice that is so good! I make this dish all the time when Josh goes out of town because it is so easy and my kids love it! Cadáin says it’s definitely toddler approved!

In honor of starting school this week with the kids, I’m making and sharing some of their favorite dinners. These are the ones I get requests to make all the time, and I had promised them that when school starts, I would make them these recipes.

Here’s what’s on the menu this week:

In true fall fashion, I think it’s time I shared my fall Pinterest board. This board doesn’t have a ton of pumpkin in it, as much as recipes that look and feel like fall. Cozy recipes!

I hope you all have a great week!